Pillar of Defense Nov 19

Hamas firing from Gaza population centers

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    Rockets fired from Gaza Rockets fired from Gaza Copyright: Global Bearings, Twitter
    Since Nov. 14, 877 rockets were launched at Israel from Gaza. 570 rockets hit Israel and 307 were intercepted by the Iron Dome system.

    The IDF is conducting strikes against the launching centers and the terror infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, including weapons storage facilities and tunnels.  

    The main objective of operation Pillar of Defense is to stop the firing of rockets at Israeli civilians from Gaza. The IDF would prefer to achieve the objectives of the operation without a ground offensive, but if the only way to protect the citizens of Israel is through a ground offensive then will do so.
    IDF operations are done in the most precise and ‘surgical’ manner as possible to limit civilian casualties, which is made possible by using accurate intelligence and precision-guided munitions. Though nearly all of the targets have been located in densely populated areas, the number of casualties is relatively small. The IDF also employs a number of techniques to warn the civilian population: distributing fliers, making phone calls, sending text messages, and other techniques.​

    How Does the IDF Minimize Harm to Palestinian Civilians in Gaza?


  • Hamas fires rockets from densely populated areas in Gaza

    ​​​Like in all operations, Israel has taken the utmost care to protect uninvolved civilians during Operation Pillar of Defense, even while rockets have continued to fall on Israel. The IDF has dropped thousands of leaflets prior to striking an area, and Israeli Air Force pilots are always on the lookout for innocent civilians, ready to abort vital operations in an effort to save lives.

    The task is not an easy one, as Hamas has intentionally used the civilian areas of Gaza as staging grounds for their attacks on Israel. Knowing that the IDF wishes to avoid civilian casualties, Hamas places its own civilians in the line of fire in order to hide and protect its own operations. ​



    Hamas firing at Israel, from densely populated areas in Gaza



    Hamas Terrorists Firing Rockets on Israel from Houses in Gaza


ABC reports on rocket fire from populated areas